Uploading PDF invoices from Xero to Airtable

Greg Vonf @ Business Automated
3 min readOct 25, 2022

Create automated process to generate visibility of your invoices and easily use them for further automation and data exchange with Airtable

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Why is using Xero for your bookkeeping absolutely necessary?

Bookkeeping is extremely important to the efficient operation of any business because it accurately records all of your company’s expenditures and disbursements, as well as your cash flow and your preparation for year-end tax returns, all of which contribute to the efficient operation of your company’s finances. Bookkeeping is also extremely important to the efficient operation of any business because of its role in the preparation of annual tax returns. A regular bookkeeping balance is essential to the success of your small business because, without it, you may find it difficult to manage your inventory, suppliers, and even taxes. If you don’t have a regular bookkeeping balance, your small business may fail. At the conclusion of your financial year, your efforts in bookkeeping should result in a “trial balance,” which you will then hand over to your accountant. In the approximately five years since the introduction of online accounting, bookkeepers have begun to employ the use of computer software.

Why Airtable?



Greg Vonf @ Business Automated

Greg is the founder of Business Automated, an agency helping small businesses streamline and simplify their processes. For more visit www.business-automated.com